Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Virtual desktops allow students to access classroom software from anywhere there is an internet connection and from almost any device.

New IT Messaging Provides Status Page and Consistent Look
We all know that when myFSCJ is unavailable, you can expect an email from ITInfo@fscj.edu informing you of the issue and another one once the service has been restored.
However, beginning this Fall the IT department will refine our process and provide more consistent messaging when systems experience issues. Additionally, if you suspect a system may be experiencing performance issues, there will be a status page that is updated as an issue arises.

FLUID: A New myFSCJ User Experience
Update myFSCJ with a new interface for a better user experience.

We're Working to Bring You Faster WIFI!
IT is working to bring you faster wireless internet speeds by migrating to WiFi 6. Campus by campus, we are migrating and installing WIFI 6 Wireless Access Points (WAPs) to provide faster connection speeds and a better video conferencing experience. However, even with the upgrades, it’s good to know that a wired connection still provides the best experience for high bandwidth applications.

Multi-Tenant Merge
This project will combine the student and staff tenants in Microsoft to provide new possibilities for collaboration between students and faculty across all Microsoft services.

Let the Transition Begin!
FSCJ will make a complete transition to Canvas beginning in the Fall 2019 term. The last term that courses will be taught in Blackboard will be during the Summer 2019 term, where instructors may choose to teach in either Canvas as an “Early Adopter”, or continue in Blackboard for one final term.