Faculty, Adjuncts, Staff and Students
We’re Here to Support You
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Technical Service Desk
Contact: (904) 632-3151 or submit a ticket
Technical Support Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Get Help With: Login issues, campus technology, computer support, and other technology related issues.
Canvas 24/7 Support
Contact: Click here to chat or call (904) 632-3151, option 2, 2.
Get Help With: Submitting assignments, accessing course work, and other functions when using Canvas.
Canvas Support is unable to assist with FSCJ enrollments, log in, or password issues. Contact the FSCJ Technical Service desk for those issues.
Student Support Services
Contact: (904) 646-2300 or submit a ticket
Student Support Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Get Help With: Student records, advising, testing, financial aid, bookstore and more.
Common IT Questions and Articles
All students, full-time faculty, and staff have the option to download Microsoft Office 365 on up to five computers for free. That includes Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive, and many others.
To install Office, follow the directions below or watch the video in this blog post.Students, Staff, and Full-Time Faculty Download Instructions:
Begin by visiting the link outlook.office365.com. Then enter your FSCJ student or employee email address. Next, log in with your FSCJ credentials.
From your initials or profile photo icon located near the top right corner of the screen, select My Account.
Select Install Office from Office apps and devices on the My Account tab.
During the installation process, you choose Organizational Account as the type and will Register your Office 365 Suite using your student or employee email address and password.
Adjuncts and Contract Workers, please follow the directions in this KB article.
You can log in to canvas.fscj.edu using your College credentials. Your Canvas account will only be created once you are enrolled or encoded in a Canvas course and it has been published (usually the first day of courses).
Every student and employee has a Microsoft Outlook account which can be accessed from myFSCJ or https://outlook.office365.com/mail/ and using your College credentials to sign in.
To aid in the prevention of unwanted or unsafe emails, the FSCJ email administrator has created policies to ensure messages containing potential junk/spam content or specific attachments aren't delivered directly to your Inbox. Instead, they are held in a quarantine area, called the Hold Queue.
This knowledge base article will guide you through releasing emails which are blocked and you would like to release.