IT Shout Outs!

Being recognized for going above and beyond is an incredible feeling. In this compilation, we proudly showcase unsolicited "Shout Outs" that a supervisor received, overflowing with gratitude for an employee's exceptional performance.

  • Stevie Griffin

    My student Lisa (who is blind) is very frustrated with technology, but she has nothing but raving reviews for you! She talks like you are the most helpful person in the world, and I admit I’m starting to feel some kind of way. I wanted to pass the good news along. Thanks for helping my/our student.

    - Jeniah Jones

  • Kyle Lavalley

    Kyle is the best! Just sayin!!! He just has impressed me with what he just did! it wasn't much but just the simple fact that I asked him about that a while ago and it wasn't even through a JIRA it was just hey can you help me with this real quick and apparently it has bothered him enough that he keeps looping back around to it till he got it.

    - Amber Hare

  • Goran Lazic

    I had the pleasure of interacting with Goran, a relatively new network systems technician recently, and I must say that his expertise and dedication left a lasting impression. He demonstrated an impressive understanding of network infrastructure, swiftly assessed the situation, and efficiently guided my student through the process of connecting his Chromebook to the College’s Wi-Fi network. Goran’s technical skills were evident, making the entire setup painless. Techies are notoriously known for not being very people-centered, however, Goran’s commitment to customer satisfaction was evident throughout the interaction. From his punctuality to his courteous demeanor, Goran exemplified professionalism. He represented the College exceptionally well and left a positive impression on both my student and me.

    - Jeniah Jones

  • Carey Robinson

    Reaching out to let you know how gracious I am for Carey’s hard work yesterday. He’s one of those people at the college who I know I can count on 100% of the time. Yesterday was a challenge but he went above & beyond trying to fix it while keeping me calm. Lol. 😉 We still aren’t quite sure what went on but he diligently worked to get thing’s usable & backed up everything for me. Paul will re-image the device & hopefully all will be well.

    Anyway, it was great to see my Deerwood family & I just wanted to say thank you. Carey gets 5-million stars in my book! 😊

    – Vickie Love Meeks

  • Brandi Bleak

    Thank you so much for your encouraging and heartwarming comment. I truly loved and enjoyed the webinar and your presentation today, and I love the Simple Syllabus because it is really simple, practical, and very stylish. Also, it is embedded in the course shell, which makes it even more feasible and accessible for both the instructors and the students. Thank you so much for all you do to make our jobs easier.

    I have been in all your training since day one FSCJ started to use CANVAS, and I have always enjoyed your straightforward and comprehensible style of teaching, and also, learned a great deal from you and your wonderful team.

    It felt great to learn and get it done so fast and easily. Thank you so very much.

    – Parvaneh Sheikh

  • Suman Deekonda

    I just wanted to again say a big THANKS for helping me with this problem! I’ve had a couple others try to help throughout the term and could not figure it out. You are MOST appreciated!! My grades are now submitted 😊 Take care!

    – Stacey

  • Celeste Danos

    I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for exceptional support provided by Celeste. Celeste consistently goes above and beyond to assist our team with technical challenge or troubleshoot issues! Please know it is very much appreciated.

    - Yunior Rendon

  • Daunie Burris Jr

    I just wanted to drop a line and tell you how AMAZING Daunie was when he was helping me with IT issues. He is kind, caring and very professional. He is an asset to your team.

    I really appreciate his customer service.

    – Professor Marion Kreisel

  • Chris Martin, Herman Moller, Suman Deekonda, Balaji Sunny Vemula, Kelly Robinson, Erin Tragemann, Michelle Baker, BJ Schukis, Carey Robinson

    I wanted to send my sincerest thank you and gratitude for all the work you do for me and all of us Finance people. I know we keep you all in business with our “to do’s”, “process improvements” & “oops I broke something’s”. Not to mention you put up with me! That alone is worth a pay raise. 😊 In all seriousness, you are all extremely talented and wonderful to work with. I appreciate each and every one of you. Please pass along my gratitude to all of the rest of your teams too. We couldn’t do what we do without you all.

    Amy M. Benigno

  • Pramod Thontadarya

    Doing an amazing job with supporting the Benefits team with the Open Enrollment process. He did a lot of research and collaboration with users and Oracle to get through this period. Running solo as IT resource on the project, showing a lot of patience and determinations to provide beyond and above support.

    – Herman Moller

  • Pam Meiring

    Stepped outside of her comfort zone to be the main developer on the myWorkNumber project (Equifax), in creating extracts for both Employment and Payroll verification. Without her determination and dedication to stick it through the project and multiple go arounds of testing and verification, the project couldn’t get done successfully.

    – Herman Moller

  • Mike Zhang

    Totally stepping up in taking over as the integrations resource on the CSI Transformation project. He produced multiple innovative ways on resolving API integration challenges with Element451 and creating an in-house management portal for business admin personnel to management errors and duplications of incoming applications.

    – Herman Moller

  • Celeste and Jaqwaris - Downtown Campus Tech Team

    Celeste and Jaqwaris are a dynamic duo and provide exceptional support to our program. FSCJ is home to our Duval County Public School (DCPS) extended transition program for students with special education needs. We educate students in multiple programs, mostly information technology (IT). DCPS distributes laptops and allows students access to basic programs. This semester, we have students in Introduction to Computer Programming. Unfortunately, the DCPS firewalls would not allow the students to download Raptor or Python. Our solution was to, as always, call our tech support team.

    Our initial ask was to download the programs on the FSCJ desktop computers. After Jaqwaris listened to our problem and temporary solution to rotate the students on one computer, he offered a permanent solution- just use Horizon. You cannot imagine our initial confusion; we had never heard of Horizon. Jaqwaris verbally provided the steps; without fail, every student could access the programs through the virtual platform.

    The audible cheers and sighs of relief were explosive! Thanks to Jaqwaris’s excellent recommendation and first-hand program knowledge, adult students had early Christmas presents! We hope to have him as a guest speaker in May and a presenter for new student orientation in August. But that seemed too long, and we wanted to thank him now.

    So, you are receiving this email from the many students and staff of the DCPS/FSCJ extended transition program (under dual enrollment and Dr. Heather Kenny) who can now fully access their educational materials. The resolution seemed like everyday knowledge to the downtown staff; however, for a room of varying abilities students, the act relieved anxieties. We cannot thank Jaqwaris enough and hope your department will acknowledge him. Likewise, we can always count on Celeste to provide support during our special events and our day-to-day operations! She is accessible and patient with our growing program needs.

    The DCPS/FSCJ team members did not include Jaqwaris or Celeste in this email. Yet, please share with them, and everyone, how much their work is appreciated. Here's to an innovative, responsive, and invaluable downtown technical support staff!

    – E. Shajuan Edwards, MEd
    DCPS/FSCJ Extended Transition Case Manager

  • IT Team

    I wanted to pause and give a big shout out to the IT team who have helped me this past year (or more). Great work and appreciate all the assistance in getting us to this day for the new web site release.

    – Michael Ahmed

  • Aeoleon Bryant

    For attending all of the orientations to assist with password reset.

    – Rusty Gardner

  • Brandi Bleak

    I wanted to extend a special thank you to Brandi Bleak for going above and beyond her FSCJ "normal" job and taking faculty photos yesterday.

    Cheryl Schmidt

  • South Campus Tech Team

    for doing an outstanding job!

    – Phillip Delacruz

  • Jamie Howard

    I want to give a big thank you and shout out to Jamie for his assistance in getting my computer and network printer all set up. He did a wonderful job setting up my workstation and working through the issues I was having. It is a pleasure to work with him.

    – Judith Lippert

  • Mike Thomas

    I just want to commend Mike Thomas for his excellent assistance when I thought I had a virus on my laptop. He checked and I didn’t but thankful for his reassurance. He even went a step further and showed me how to block “click bait”.

    I really appreciate his professional and thorough help.

    – Linda Moniz

  • Mike Zhang, Stevie Griffin, and Lacrecia Underwood

    I just wanted to give a shout out to these awesome Tech Support members: Mike Zhang, Stevie Griffin, and Lacrecia Underwood. They spent a great deal of time making sure the technical issue with two of my Dual Enrollment students was resolved. They kept me and the students in the loop the entire time and didn’t give up until they found a solution. I can’t say enough about what a tremendous job they did! Have a great day!

    – Nancy Hall

  • Brandi Bleak

    Your support these last few weeks has been a tremendous help in collecting all of the necessary items for our Program Review! You graciously stepped up and stepped in to help support the great work that we do here at FSCJ. Without your assistance, I can assure you, we’d have some questions from the ED. Thank you for taking so much time out of your already busy day(s) to provide me the items I needed to show proof that we are compliant.

    – Kristine Hibbard

  • Jason Rosario

    I am awarding you a Starfish for your assistance with connecting to the network drives. Being able to connect to the network drives is vital to processing the federal files received in order to award students their financial aid. With your assistance, I was able to connect, process the files and in the end, allowing students to be awarded financial aid. You went above and beyond in listening to my need, trouble shooting, trying different fixes and ultimately finding a resolution.

    – Angela Nickel