Our Team

CIO Chief Information Officer

Pete Snell

With over two decades of hands-on experience in information technology and a deep understanding of the College's operations, Pete has played an integral role in shaping FSCJ's technological landscape. From troubleshooting desktop issues to implementing enterprise-level IT services and solutions, Pete's journey exemplifies his commitment to excellence and continuous growth.

As the CIO, Pete now oversees FSCJ’s entire information technology strategy. He leads strategic initiatives to leverage technology in enhancing educational experiences and optimizing institutional efficiency. He fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration, empowering his team to explore new ideas and approaches to meet the evolving needs of students, faculty and staff.

Pete's progression is a testament to the opportunities for growth and advancement available at FSCJ. He remains deeply invested in supporting student development and encourages the use of student employment within the IT department, recognizing the value of hands-on experience in shaping future IT professionals.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Pete enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters every chance he gets. He and his family enjoy traveling back to his home state of Massachusetts and vacationing on the lakes in Maine.

The IT Leadership Team

This group is comprised of the heads of the main IT divisions. They discuss the current and future projects in IT, work together on solutions and ensure forward progress on initiatives.

  • Jeff Foster

    Engineer V Client Support

  • Rusty Gardner

    Executive Director of Academic Technology

  • Herman Moller

    Director of Information Systems

  • Kelly Robinson

    IT Budget Analyst

  • Bob Lawson

    Executive Director Enterprise Applications DP Programming

  • Vacant Position

    Network and Systems Operations Team